In cooperation with Egyptian Urological Association, E-learning Program.
  • Introduction. (5 minutes) Dr. Mohamed Salah Elbadry
  • Neurogenic males with bladder outlet obstruction (20 minutes) Prof. John Heesakkers
  • Interactive case scenarios (50 minutes) Prof. John Heesakkers and Dr. Wally Mahfouz
  • Q&A session (10 minutes)
  • Conclusion and take-home messages (5 minutes) Prof. Salah Elsalmy
Prof. John Heesakkers
Professor of Urology, Radboud University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands Former president of European Section of Female and Functional Urology (ESFFU)
Dr. Wally Mahfouz
Associate Professor of Urology, Alexandria University, Egypt Assistant Secretary of Female and Functional Urology Section of EUA Associate member of ESFFU
Prof. Salah Elsalmy
Professor of Urology, Alexandria University, Egypt. President of Female and Functional Urology Section of EUA
Dr Mohamed Elbadry
Associate Professor of Urology, Elminia University, Egypt. Secretary of Female and Functional Urology Section of EUA
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