Funded by the MassMutual Foundation, EVERFI from Blackbaud has been engaging in unprecedented research into the development of financial capability among adolescent students for the past three years. Primary Investigator, Dr Dan Zapp, will be presenting data and insights gleaned from over 300 families in the U.S. for the past several years on six different courses. The findings' implications will be discussed, and then the floor will be open for discussion about what the results might mean for implementing digital financial education tools.

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About the Speakers

1728317745-d008115a81cedee3 Dr. Dan Zapp
Senior Director of Research

Dr Dan has a PhD in Applied Developmental Psychology with a focus on the intersection of cognitive and social/emotional growth. He has spent the last 12 years on the research team at EVERFI helping to construct learning interventions for children, adolescents, and adults while measuring the impact of these courses through learner surveys and assessments. Dr Dan works to not only utilize the data collected through our instruments to show the impact and efficacy of the courses, but also to generate insights about the development of critical concepts for parents, teachers, learners, and other stakeholders. Dan supports sponsor deals with a custom research component, or where discussion of how we measure courses, "how we know it works", etc. would help the conversation. He also supports most of our efficacy efforts and research collaborations.

1728317753-cf6cdc2ca35e62e6 Mike Oliver


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