Student Success at ICO: How the ICO Community Supports Students
1. Academic Support
2. Faculty as a Resource – In Class, Office Hours, Exam Review, Mentoring
3. Tutoring Program
4. Technology – Notes, Portal, Lecture Capture
5. Non-Academic Support
6. Student Services – Financial Aid, Residential Complex, Medical, Mental Health
7. Career Development – Networking, Practice Management Symposium, Alumni
8. Empowering Students
9. Clubs/Organizations/Student Government – get involved & have fun
10. Student Feedback collected often and taken seriously
Tuesday, October 9, 2018 · 3:30 p.m.
Central Time (US & Canada)
Duration: 30 minutes
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Hosted By Illinois College of Optometry
Official webinar portal for the Illinois College of Optometry.
Dr. Erik Mothersbaugh is the Dean of Student Affairs for Illinois College of Optometry. He graduated from Augustana College in Rock Island, IL in 2008 with a double major in Psychology and Biology and received his Doctor of Optometry degree in...