The HR Congress Forum presents:
Listen @ Work - Increase Employee Engagement and Enhance the Employee Experience

Organizations are neither agile nor innovative- only people are. Therefore undoubtedly, people are the most important any business can have – and the right people are scarce, the competition for top talent is fierce.

What does it take to create a truly meaningful workplace that offers superior employee experience hence fostering a high level of employee engagement?

The answer is simply – yet so complicated: Continuous listening and feedback.

Find out by joining The HR Congress Forum on Listen@Work -powered by Effectory where we shall be bringing you insightful presentations and panel discussions so that you are ready to build an even more engaging workplace via meaningful, engaging, impactful continuous listening.
Underwriter: EFFECTORY
  • 4:00-4:05 PM – Welcome and Introduction - Sander Van Gelderen
  • 4:05-4:25 PM – Keynote - Arjen Swank
  • 4:25-4:45 PM – Bringing the best out of people – Sharon von Simmon
  • 4:45-5:05 PM – From Employee Listening to Organization Impact – Florien de Nijs
  • 5:05-5:25 PM – Panel discussion – People Engagement in the new world of work - what have we learnt from the pandemic that we can carry forward? - Florien de Nijs, Sharon von Simmon, Lea Klauk and Arjen Swank
  • 5:25-5:30 PM – Solution Demo - Diederik van Oosten
Arjen Swank
Sr. Engagement Specialist, Keynote Speaker
In Effectory Arjen guides organizations to obtain powerful and actionable insights from their own employees. The expert advice, feedback tools and employee listening programs of Effectory provide the insights needed to future-proof your organization. Get access to a personalized platform created according to your strategic goals and employee experience.
As a keynote speaker, he will share with the audience the traits of highly successful companies both from an HR and business perspective.
Thomas Papp
Sander van Gelderen
CMO, Effectory
"It always seems impossible until it's done" - Nelson Mandela
Florien de Nijs
Chief HR Officer, Exact Software
Sharon von Simson
Former Vice President Global Human Resources, Siegwerk
Lea Klauk
Head of Learning and Development, Körber
Diederik van Oosten
Head of Business Development, Effectory
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