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Digitized Maintenance: The Journey from Planning to Execution

About This Webinar

In this webinar Rusada will demonstrate how their ENVISION solution efficiently manages the process of conducting maintenance.

First a bit of background. ENVISION is Rusada’s industry leading software for the management of airworthiness, MRO and flight operations. It is the culmination of over 30 years of experience, and today is used by over 100 customers worldwide to manage a fleet of 2,000 fixed and rotary wing aircraft.

ENVISION is used by aircraft operators and MROs to significantly reduce the time spent on maintenance activities, increasing productivity, and decreasing costs.

This webinar will show how ENVISION can be used to manage the entire maintenance process, paper-free and without the use of spreadsheets.

Attendees will be shown:
• Forecasting & Planning
• Task Card Authoring
• Task Assignment
• Progress Monitoring
• Task Execution & Sign-Off using ENVISION Tasks

These stages will be shown from the perspectives of various roles, demonstrating the flow of work as well as the integration between the core system and ENVISION’s newly released Tasks app.

Register below to see how ENVISION truly digitizes maintenance and the benefits it could bring to your organisation.

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
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Aerospace Tech Week webinar platform hosts Digitized Maintenance: The Journey from Planning to Execution
Aerospace Tech Week webinars
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