Physician-level digital data shows us the moments rich with intent, and can reveal insightful trends and unique behaviors. But healthcare marketers are still relying heavily on aggregate and non-personalized data sets to inform their multi-channel – and often multi-million dollar – marketing strategies.
It's time to decode the digital physician.
Showcasing analysis from a years’ worth of digital physician-level data, this webinar will give you insight into:
• What content physicians are reading about most – from certain categories to specific medical topics and drug mentions
• How often physicians visit certain types of websites,and the most effective traffic drivers.
• The differences in how certain specialties seek out and interact with content online, including the most frequently visited websites and online resources
• What a physician’s online behavior reveals about their willingness to engage with brands and organizations, and how this physician-level data can be used to optimize existing and new marketing strategies
• How to take physician-level behaviors even further with tailored, preference-based journeys delivered through marketing automation
Join DMD’s identity data experts Edith Hodkinson, Chief of Digital Strategy, and David Kriegshauser, Senior Director, for a deep dive into physician-level data from over 1,000 websites and 2 million page views.