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Integrating hyperplex spatial proteomics into your research: why and how – A core facility’s perspective

About This Webinar

To simultaneously visualize multiple markers within the same sample enables a more detailed view of cellular phenotypes and how they orient in space. This in turn brings deeper understanding of the function and interplay of different cell types in situ, of value for research related to many biological conditions. For most labs, accessing and applying emerging spatial methods for highly multiplexed detection of various types of molecules is not straight forward. The Spatial and Single Cell Biology (SSCB) platform at SciLifeLab offers several spatial omics methods as a service, including advanced single cell sequencing, spatial transcriptomics, in situ sequencing, spatial mass spectrometry and spatial proteomics. In this talk, Dr Stadler will present the possibilities for spatial omics as a service at Scilifelab, with emphasis on the methods offered for spatial proteomics using highly multiplexed immunofluorescence. Her Spatial Proteomics team as part of the SSCB platform currently offers a service, to analyze up to 30 proteins in the same tissue section using DNA-barcoded antibodies. From next year, the COMET instrument from Lunaphore will be fully integrated in the SSCB platform and offered as a service. COMET performs sequential indirect immunofluorescence to allow for multiplexed protein detection in 4 samples in parallel. In this talk, Dr. Stadler will show results obtained with COMET on several tissue types.

  • Service offered within the Spatial and Single Cell Biology platform at Scilifelab
  • Multiplexed spatial proteomics using sequential immunofluorescence
  • Building a multiplexed immunofluorescence panel with COMET
Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Head of the National Spatial Proteomics Facility (Stockholm, Sweden)
Charlotte started her research as a Ph.D student within the Human Protein Atlas program in 2008, focusing on developing protocols and validation methods for sub cellular mapping of the human proteome using imaging. She is now Head of the National Spatial Proteomics Facility located at Science for Life Laboratories, where their focus lies in multiplexed immunofluorescence imaging. Their close link to the Human Protein Atlas puts them in a unique position as they have access to a proteome wide antibody library that allows for detection of most human protein targets in many applications.
Hosted By
Lunaphore Technologies webinar platform hosts Integrating hyperplex spatial proteomics into your research: why and how – A core facility’s perspective
Lunaphore Technologies's webinars
Attended (55)