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An Introduction to the Critical Concepts of Energy Storage - On Demand

About This Webinar

Energy storage is proliferating across the electric grid at a rapid pace, on both sides of the meter. Storage can provide value in numerous applications and use cases are growing quickly, especially as more renewable generation enters the grid.

This four-hour course will help you understand the critical elements related to energy storage – with a focus on batteries - including the technologies, business models and regulatory issues. It will discuss how storage is critical to the future evolution of the grid, and how batteries interact with wholesale markets, distribution utilities, and end users.

Who Should Attend

The same energy professionals who have attended storage workshops at conferences across the country:

Utility employees, staff of renewables companies, investors, public advocates, regulatory staff, lawyers – in short, everybody in the electric energy industry who wishes they understood more about the potential for energy storage across the electric grid.

  • Understand the growth of energy storage to date
  • Evaluate different storage technologies, and cost and performance issues related to each technology or chemistry
  • Review various applications on the grid, including peak demand management, wholesale market opportunities, renewables firming and hybrid generation, and transmission and distribution infrastructure deferrals
  • Look at critical lithium ion technologies and concerns related to cost curves, supply chain efficiencies, and potentially constraints related to lithium, nickel and cobalt
  • Understand the key regulatory conversations taking place, and the implications of various potential outcomes
  • Evaluate prospects for growth with an emphasis on batteries
  • Look at various use cases in the U.S. and other markets
  • Discuss safety and cyber-security issues specifically related to the emerging energy storage ecosystem
Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: $195.00
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter Peter Kelly-Detwiler
Principal: PKD Energy, LLC
Peter Kelly-Detwiler (PKD) is a former SVP of Constellation Energy, a long-time veteran of retail power markets (he rendered the first invoice in the industry!), and an early pioneer in the field of demand response.

He’s also one of the leading industry trainers and story-tellers. PKD is currently writing a 350-page book on the transformation of the electricity sector, has authored over 300 posts for Forbes.com and other on-line publications , and frequently moderates and keynotes at events across the United States (virtually or in-person). He also produces a video on the top energy stories of the week.