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Welcome to APDSP!

About This Webinar

IRgA has become the Association of Printing and Data Solutions Professionals, but the new name is only one of many important changes. Attend this webinar to learn about the new discount program, the cross-country networking options, the educational offerings, and APDSP's marketing efforts on behalf of members,

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Webinar ID: 6feacb497728
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter Ed
Managing Director, APDSP
Webinar hosting presenter Daphne Best
President, MS Dallas
Webinar hosting presenter Tony Militano
President, Carbon Copy Digital
Webinar hosting presenter Elmer Rhodes
President, CrossRhodes Print & Technologies
Webinar hosting presenter Leza Raffel
President, Communications Solutions Group
Leza's company created the new brand identity and the members-only marketing toolkit
Registered (83)
Attended (41)