パネル2: グローバル投資家が見るESGのホットトピックと投資戦略への組み込み:食品の安全保障、抗生物質、サイバーセキュリティ、ビッグデータ、ソーシャルメディアとプライバシー
このウェビナーは RI Digital: Japan 2020 の一部となっています。全会議の登録はこちらからです。
Plenary 2: The hottest new ESG topics for global investors and why and how they translate into investment: food security, antibiotics, cyber security, big data, social media & privacy.
Presentations on how the world’s leading responsible investors analyse the latest, cutting edge, and often controversial, ESG topics and integrate them into their research, asset allocation and investment manager assessment, hiring and reporting strategies.
This webinar will be broadcast in English with Japanese subtitles
This webinar is part of our RI Digital: Japan 2020 event. To view all sessions please click here.