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Reimagining Payments: Orchestrating Wallet Technologies for Optimized Checkout Experiences

About This Webinar

Join Spreedly and Paze as we explore the intersection of rapidly evolving wallet technology and open payment platforms. Discover strategies merchants use to quickly and easily adapt to changing consumer demands, how digital wallets impact consumer preferences, and how to better optimize your checkout experience.

Learning objectives for this eLearning Session:

Discover strategies merchants are using to more quickly and easily adapt to changing consumer demands
How digital wallets are impacting consumer preferences
How to better optimize your checkout experience

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Senior Director of Product and Market Strategy
Andy has been in payments and risk for over 20 years and has served various parts of the market on both the service provider and merchant sides. Prior to Spreedly, Andy was with RetailMeNot managing product and fraud prevention for gift card sales and cash-back programs. He was also a member of the teams at PayPal and eBay where he contributed to various aspects of consumer and merchant payment solutions and fraud prevention. Andy’s experience also includes exposure to multiple payment disciplines as a manager and contributor to product management, fraud, and operations.
Webinar hosting presenter
VP of Merchant Sales