On our last webinar with Makelove Agency we spoke about Guerrilla Marketing. This time, we will talk about the power of Artificial Intelligence and how it can help People Management Departments.

Makelove is one of the most creative Employer Branding agencies with several international awards under their belt. They are a multinational agency with a worldwide presence.
  • 17h - Intro to Makelove Agency
  • 17h05 - Is AI all the same?
  • 17h20 - How can AI help People Management Departments
  • 17h40 - What AI solutions are available and which ones are most useful
  • 17h55 - Closing
Igor Trofimov
Co-Founder makelove agency
Creative director with 12+ years of experience in marketing and employer branding.
Speaker on the topic of creativity, employer branding.
Miguel Luís
Marketing Manager at The Key Talent
Miguel will moderate and have a really open conversation with Igor about the amazing work makelove agency is doing in terms of creativity and helping companies stand out in the middle of the huge noise that currently exists in the recruiting world.
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