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How the Election Might Impact the Lead Gen Industry

About This Webinar

Join us for this discussion with two of lead gen's most esteemed industry experts as we dive into the potential ramifications of the upcoming presidential election.

As the landscape of consumer privacy laws and regulations, including TCPA and the 1:1 consent rule, continues to evolve, the election's outcome could certainly shape the future of marketing practices. This episode provides insights on how the new administration's policies might influence TCPA regulations, consumer consent laws, and the overall legal framework governing lead generation.

This episode features insights from:

- Michele Shuster, Partner at MacMurray & Shuster
- Isaac Shloss, Chief Product Officer, Contact Center Compliance and head of government affairs at REACH, the industry’s leading trade group on The Hill

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Partner, MacMurray & Shuster
Webinar hosting presenter
Chief Product Officer, Contact Center Compliance
Webinar hosting presenter Ian McRae
Head of Content, LeadsCon
Hosted By
Leadscon Group webinar platform hosts How the Election Might Impact the Lead Gen Industry
LeadsCon and Multichannel Merchant Group Webinars