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About This Webinar

Cemeteries are a common feature of our environment, yet often seem to be out of place amongst our modern landscapes. These historic cemeteries tell the tale of communities' past and are visible representations of how communities grow and change. The continued protection and preservation of these resources is critical and often involves working directly with community members to document and preserve these sites. This webinar will provide an overview of basic laws and regulations concerning historic cemeteries, offer suggestions for how to record and document the resources, and discuss steps you can take for the proactive preservation of your local cemeteries.

CE Credits: 1.5 AIA/AICP

When: Wednesday, October 9, 2024 · 1:00 p.m. · Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes
Language: English
Who can attend? Anyone with the event link can attend
Ticket Price: $15.00
Dial-in available? (listen only): Yes
Dial-in Number: This is a premium Webinar. Please log in or register for this Webinar to view the dial-in info.
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Cemetery Preservation Coordinator, Prince William County, Virginia
Emma Dietrich is the Cemetery Preservation Coordinator for Prince William County, Virginia in the Office of Planning. In her role, she oversees the County cemetery database and reviews development applications, in addition to developing a cemetery preservation program for the County focused on community outreach and support. Her previous experience in cemetery preservation includes community workshops, 3D modeling, and historic research.
Webinar hosting presenter
Archaeologist, Florida Public Archaeology Network, St. Augustine, FL
Emily Jane Murray is an archaeologist for the Florida Public Archaeology Network in St. Augustine, FL. She has worked with communities on various projects focused on cemetery preservation, documentation, and research for over ten years. More recently, she has begun to include ground penetrating radar (GPR), basic conservation and repair, and geographic information systems (GIS) analysis to her suite of tools and techniques employed in documenting and protecting historic cemeteries in Florida.
Webinar hosting presenter
CEO and President, Florida Trust for Historic Preservation and NAPC CAMP Trainer
Melissa Wyllie is CEO and President of the Florida Trust for Historic Preservation, the statewide nonprofit dedicated to the preservation and inclusive sharing of Florida’s history and heritage. Under her leadership the Florida Trust connects with a broader community to protect places of architectural, historical and archeological importance throughout the state. She is a frequent presenter and spokesperson for historic preservation initiatives and campaigns and is a NAPC CAMP and CAMP Resilience trainer. Melissa holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in communication from the University of Alabama and a Master of Nonprofit Management degree from the University of Central Florida.