2024 Street Level Imagery & GIS Reset Services

0:01:00-Street-Level Imagery Overview
- Trimble MX7
- Data Collection
- Map Navigation
- Benefits
- We offer another service (Pavement Condition Assessments)

0:02:39-Trimble MX7
- Track city roads and assets using 360 degree high-resolution images.
- Georeferenced images are sub meter accurate and can be displayed inside iWorQ.

0:04:03-Data Collection
- Geo-referenced
- Distance Interval

0:05:41-Map Navigation
- Toggling on Imagery (Map Key and Active Layer)
- Viewing Angles, Zoom Settings, and Movement
- You can add additional layers on the map with a shape file
- Viewing Collected Data Alongside Map in iWorQ

- Track Assets with High-Resolution Pictures
- FEMA Disaster Relief
- Code Enforcement
- Mapping assets in iWorQ.

0:11:15 - GIS Rest Service Overview
- What are rest services?
- Advantages of using rest services
- Requirements to allow iWorQ to consume test services.
- Requires an ArcGIS Online Paid account or ArcGIS Server
- Private layers No longer need token access.
- The Layers (Points, Lines, Polygons) will be updated in real-time

0:12:13- What are Rest Services?
- Rest Services only go one direction, from the client to iWorQ

0:13:13- GIS Rest Services Advantages
- Maintain Accurate information.
- One time Setup
- Real-time layer updates
- Access to GIS Data (Points, Lines, Polygons

0:13:36- iWorQ Rest Services Requirements
1.) Requires an ArcGIS Online paid account, or ArcGIS server.

2.) Set up a “security certificate”. Small data file that allows your website to be authenticated for security purposes.
(Your IT department can help get this set up. You can also contact customer support with ArcGIS Online. )

3.) Double check that your GIS maps on your server are published and have enabled access to the public.
(You can also just grant access to only iWorQ directly if you prefer.)

4.) Make sure that the “rest” URL links you send us have HTTPS:// in front.

0:14:39- Private Layers No longer need token access.
- You will create a group
- Add desired layers
- Send group invitation
- Email your setup manager to let them know this has been completed.
- iWorQ will do the rest.

0:15:07- Layers Updated in Real-Time (Points, Lines, Polygons)
- The Attribute data will be updated according to the signed contract.
- Weekly
- Monthly (Recommended.)

0:15:35- Q&A


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    iWorQ Systems
    Community Development & Public Works Software Solutions