We have long known that parental engagement is directly linked to student achievement and with the recent shift to online classes, building a strong partnership with parents and caregivers has become more important than ever. Without it, attempts at remote teaching could easily lead to mismatched expectations and disappointment. In contrast, we have seen how educators who prioritize relationships with families experience better levels of student motivation, participation and behavior during online lessons.
Australiana de origem, Claire Venables é hoje reconhecida como especialista no ensino de inglês para crianças e no desenvolvimento profissional de professores de inglês. Desde sua chegada ao Brasil, em 2001, ela trabalha incansavelmente para...
Ana Lucia Carriel - CNA Academic Coordinator of English Courses. EFL teacher and teacher trainer. MA in teaching practices – USP. Holds CPE, COTE, CEELT II, ARELS Diploma.