These are the most challenging times, perhaps ever, for business leaders. In a crisis, it can be tough to do what is needed most—to take a moment, breathe, and build a strategy for moving forward.
The good news: Patterns, proven steps that can be combined to create a roadmap for a Cloud Native journey, can help you speed up the process of designing a strategy. This one-hour webinar will introduce you to strategy patterns and show you how they can map the path forward for your organisation.
This is for you if:
• You are overwhelmed by all the choices you have in your Cloud Native journey
• You are unsure how or where to start on your Cloud Native Journey
• You are moving to Cloud Native
• You are generally interested in strategy
Wednesday, August 12, 2020 · 10:00 a.m.
Jamie Dobson, co-founder and CEO of Container Solu/ons, a professional services company
that specialises in Cloud Na/ve transforma/on. With clients like Shell, Adidas, and other large
enterprises, CS helps organisa/ons navigate not only...