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About This Webinar

'Can we make a difference sooner?'. Anton Emmanuel will discuss clinical considerations for patients who could benefit from Transanal Irrigation (TAI) when managing conditions which effect bowel function – case studies and patient outcomes.

The second half of the webinar will cover reframing TAI for bowel dysfunction – choosing the right volume and understanding the considerations for your patient’s condition.

This webinar is kindly sponsored by Clinisupplies.

When: Thursday, 06/02/2025 · 6:00 p.m. · London
Duration: 1 hour
Language: English
Who can attend? Anyone with the event link can attend
Dial-in available? (listen only): No
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Anton Emmanuel is a clinical neurogastroenterologist working in Queen Square. He has supervised 26 postgraduates who have developed physiological understanding and therapeutic strategies for patients with functional and neurological disease.
Webinar hosting presenter
CNS in Bowel Management UCLH
Concetta Brugaletta is a Clinical Nurse Specialist in bowel care management offering bowel management training, transanal irrigation and psychological support for patients becoming independent in symptoms management. I look after a wide range of patients with bowel symptoms. she has a special interest research is in management of neurogenic bowel dysfunction due to Multiple Sclerosis, Spinal cord Injury and Parkinson’s disease.
Webinar hosting presenter
Clinical Lead for Bowel Management, Clinisupplies
Webinar hosting presenter
Leigh Donnelly
Hosted By
MA Healthcare Virtual webinar platform hosts Bowel Management // The Right volume first time at the right cost for the NHS – setting up a patient for Transanal Irrigation (TAI)
MA Healthcare is an established provider of nursing and medical education, offering printed resources, conferences and websites for professionals at all levels of the health services