The Catholic literary world largely follows the secular world in which literature is divided into "genre" and "literary" with little commerce between them. Genre fiction is highly optimized for addictive consumption, like a literary happy meal. Literary fiction is increasingly abstruse, designed more to flatter the reader than to entertain. Neither form presents much prospect for a transformative Catholic literary revival, which, it if is to be of any consequence, must be both serious and popular. Serious popular fiction used to be the rule. Dickens was the bestselling author of his day, as were many of the authors that we now consider classics of the twentieth century (including, of course, Lewis and Tolkien). If we really want to foster a new Catholic literary revival, we must go beyond putting a Catholic gloss on genre or literary fiction and revive serious popular fiction.
  • M
    Mark Baker
    Mark Baker seeks to revive the serious popular novel, the kind of story that finds the truth of the human condition in action, adventure, romance, and even magic. He is the author of the historical novel series Cuthbert’s People (The Wistful and the Good, St. Agnes and the Selkie, The Needle of Avocation) and the literary fairy-tale Lady Isabel and the Elf Knight. He writes the newsletter, Stories All the Way Down, which examines serious popular fiction in theory and practice. Subscribe at
  • J
    Jennifer Thomas
  • 1735830395-39341c6cc5cc38a8
    Karina Fabian
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    Catholic Writers Conference Chairpersons
  • 1668375826-ac7cdf2280a223aa
    Joseph Scordato
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    Allison Gingras
    Allison Gingras is a Catholic social media consultant and the host and creator of the podcast A Seeking Heart. Gingras developed and acquired six volumes in the Stay Connected Journals for Women series and wrote two—The Gift of Invitation and Seeking Peace. She is a contributor to a number of books, including The Ave Prayer Book for Catholic Mothers, Called by Name, and The Catholic Mom’s Prayer Companion. Gingras has been featured on a variety of Catholic television and radio programs and podcasts. She is a regular contributor to LPI,,, Family Rosary, WINE, Amazing Catechists, and CatholicSistas. Gingras is the cohost of the Catholic MomCast.