'Why the World Needs Catholic Romance Novels - and Some Tips For Writing a Good One' (never presented; still developing it). Content: overview; market differentiation; subgenre's purpose and distinctiveness; narrative elements; general do's and don'ts; general romance novel trends. Will use my novels to illustrate examples.
  • G
    Gerri Bauer
    Gerri Bauer is the author of the Persimmon Hollow series of historical romances. She also writes non-romance short stories, biographies, a blog and lots of emails. She's a history fan married to a space geek, and is a voracious reader, needlework nerd, gardener and - always in her heart - mother of two angels God called home before they met this world.
  • S
    Sara Manago
  • 1735830722-9d299c3a074d5666
    Karina Fabian
  • 1736860196-6a0534d3233bf4c1
    Catholic Writers Conference Chairpersons
  • 1668375826-ac7cdf2280a223aa
    Joseph Scordato
  • 1644590307-4e41d0a5f9edcfe5
    Allison Gingras
    Allison Gingras is a Catholic social media consultant and the host and creator of the podcast A Seeking Heart. Gingras developed and acquired six volumes in the Stay Connected Journals for Women series and wrote two—The Gift of Invitation and Seeking Peace. She is a contributor to a number of books, including The Ave Prayer Book for Catholic Mothers, Called by Name, and The Catholic Mom’s Prayer Companion. Gingras has been featured on a variety of Catholic television and radio programs and podcasts. She is a regular contributor to LPI, Diocesan.com, CatholicMom.com, Family Rosary, WINE, Amazing Catechists, and CatholicSistas. Gingras is the cohost of the Catholic MomCast.