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Foundations of Nursing Education: Understanding the Bigger Picture

About This Webinar

In this webinar, we will cover the fundamental aspects of Nursing Education that all educators should know.

After watching the full webinar, please complete the assessment as part of the Nursing Professional Development Credit requirements. The assessment will automatically appear near the end of the webinar recording.

  • Explain nursing program accreditation and oversight 
  • Describe types of nursing curriculum 
  • Summarize the role of the NCLEX test plan 
  • Discern assessment strategies based on intended outcome 
Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
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Webinar hosting presenter
Hollie is an NLN Certified Nurse Educator and a Certified Healthcare Simulation Educator through the Society for Simulation in Healthcare. She brings a diverse nursing background and has teaching experience in lab, clinical, simulation, as well as didactic teaching experience both in person and online and she has taught at all levels (LPN, ADN, BSN, and Graduate). Hollie has studied and implemented the Team-Based Learning approach and is an advocate for bringing clinical to the classroom to improve critical thinking and clinical judgement. She has expertise in curriculum design as well as program evaluation and accreditation. In her role of Nursing Education and Implementation Manger, Hollie is proud to be a small cog in the wheel that is driving nursing into the future!