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Macromolecular crystallography in a lab

About This Webinar

Synchrotron radiation has given structural biologists many reasons to be very happy: high quality data, automated routines, and high-throughput of samples. Why then to collect your data in a lab?
In this webinar, Dr. Daniel Kneller, a postdoctoral researcher at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, will explain the unique insights for anti-coronavirus drug design enabled by home-source X-ray diffraction data at room-temperature. He will present the current capabilities of a laboratory diffractometer to solve macromolecular structures, discuss protein crystal sample handling for data collection, reflect on obtained data quality, and significance for joint X-ray/neutron model refinement.

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Scientific Liaison at DECTRIS
Webinar hosting presenter
Postdoctoral Researcher at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory
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