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Screening and Working in Community Supervision with People with Brain Injury

About This Webinar

While studies on supervisees in community corrections are sparse, according to jail and prison studies, 25-87% of male inmates report having experienced a head or brain injury compared to 8.5% in the general population. Inmates who have had head injuries may experience mental health problems such as severe depression and anxiety, substance use disorders, difficulty controlling anger, or suicidal thoughts and/or attempts. Female inmates convicted of a violent crime are also more likely to have sustained a brain injury. Up to 87% of women residing in domestic violence shelters have reported head injuries due to the violence. The presence of a brain injury may impact the community supervision process in various ways in both supervisees and their victims. This pre-recorded, on-demand webinar will provide an overview of brain injury, introduce a brief screening tool, and identify ways community supervision staff can work more effectively towards successful outcomes with individuals who might be living with a brain injury.

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Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: $15.00
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Consultant, American Probation and Parole Association
Gwyn Kaitis, MA, is a Program Analyst with the American Probation and Parole Association. She graduated from Southern Illinois University and has worked in the field of domestic violence for over 20 years, advocating on policy and legislative issues for survivors of domestic violence. She has served as Chair of the New Mexico Intimate Partner Violence Death Review Team and has provided training on domestic violence on safety planning, traumatic brain injury in survivors, and other topics. She was previously a trainer for the Chicago Police Academy.
Webinar hosting presenter
Professor in Pediatrics, University of New Mexico
Mark Pedrotty, PhD is a professor in Pediatrics at the University of New Mexico. He received his PHD from Loyola University of Chicago and completed his internship at the University of Texas Health Sciences Center at San Antonio. After several years of clinical practice as a clinical psychologist in San Antonio, Texas he has worked at Carrie Tingley Hospital at the University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center in Albuquerque, New Mexico for nearly 21 years. The majority of his time is spent providing outpatient clinical services to children and young adults living with chronic illness, medical conditions, and disabilities, including brain injury. Part of his time is spent teaching undergraduates, medical students, residents, and professionals. He is medical director of the Integrative Cognitive Rehabilitation TeleECHO clinic through Project ECHO and is Past President of the Brain Injury Alliance of New Mexico.
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