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雇主如何從ADHD員工 獲取更多收益 How can ADHD employees help employers make more money?

About This Webinar

ADHDers有不少正向特質,例如創新、充滿創造力、對有興趣的事情堅持到底、能了解及深入問題核心等等,這些特質正正是僱主希望員工擁有的特質,令公司業務蒸蒸日上。今次工作坊邀請到非牟利組織ADHD Europe副主席Hans van de Velde與大家分享,僱主如何透過和發揮ADHD員工的正向特質,為公司賺取更多利潤!

ADHDers have many positive characteristics, such as innovation, creativity, persistence, and the ability to understand and penetrate the core of the problem. These employer-desired characteristics for employees can help the company make more profits. In this webinar, Mr. Hans van de Velde, the Vice-President of the non-profit organization ADHD Europe, will share with you how employers can make more profits from their employees with ADHD!

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
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ADHD Europe副主席 Vice-president
Hans van de Velde先生為非牟利組織ADHD Europe的副主席,於2018年選入該組織董事會成員。他是荷蘭讀寫障礙協會主席、Impuls & Woortblind董事會成員,並在2009年起成為科學委員會協會主席。



In 2018, Hans was elected to the Board of ADHD Europe. Before that, he had served as the president of the Dutch dyslexia association and board member of Impuls & Woortblind, the association for people with ADHD, dyslexia, dyscalculia, etc. From 2009 onwards, he has been the chair of the Science Committee of ADHD Europe.

His current job is a coach, amongst others for employees with ‘special brains’ like ADHD, autism, dyslexia, and giftedness. He founded his company – Equisto – in Rotterdam in 1998 from the vision that brain characteristics like ADHD don’t just disappear in adulthood. Hans‘ company specialises in ‘people-at-work’ and offers professional guidance to employers and their employees, with a multidisciplinary approach and a focus on the talents of workers with these brain properties.

Hans’ interest in special brains stems from his own experience. After the usual hard years in primary and secondary school without being recognised as having dyslexia, he started working next to the school at an early age. He cleaned offices, and at sixteen became the assistant of the owner of the cleaning company. His second job was clerk to the court of justice. Later on, in this court, he became one of the first experts in legal text-processing and software in law. Next to his job, he studied law and got his masters in 1989.

In this period he got burnout with anxiety problems. After a long period of therapy, he did a three-year education as a trainer/therapist. And some years later, at last, he got his diagnosis dyslexia and ADHD.
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