Being Better: Effective Personal Transformation

More confident? Capable? Creative? Compassionate? Positive? Productive? Join Nevine Neill to learn the tools of transformation to become the person you want to be.

You may have heard the phrase “A leopard can’t change its spots,” meaning that people are born a certain way and they can never really change.

Thankfully, this is just not true. Current research shows that people wanting to change certain aspects of their personality were able to do so over time and they experienced improvements in their mental health and overall wellbeing especially if the change aligned with their goals. However, as we all know any change is difficult. Just like changing your diet, getting more exercise or stopping bad habits, changing aspects of our personality requires consistency, time, effort, and energy.

But the most important thing needed before you undertake any change is to ‘want – really, really, really want’ to change.

If you don’t have that burning desire, you won’t have the motivation to see the change through and truly experience transformation.

Our personality is what we’ve practiced over many years. It is how we have interacted with the world; it is how others know us to be and it is what we have received constant feedback on throughout our lives.

Therefore, to change aspects of our personality we need to have strategic self awareness and a plan that enables us to make small incremental modifications that are effortless everyday until we reach the outcome we are looking for.
  • Business & finance
  • Career
  • Education & learning
  • Professional development
  • Categories:
    • Business & finance
    • Career
    • Education & learning
    • Professional development
  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Price: Free
  • Language: English
  • Who can attend? Everyone
  • Dial-in available? (listen only): Not available.
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