Resilience and supply chain risk are increasingly important issues for financial institutions. Both clients and regulators expect firms to provide services without disruption, and, when disruption inevitably does occur, to recover promptly and minimize the impact on clients
and the market.

Financial institutions’ responsibility is to ensure services are resilient, both for processes and operations within the firm itself and those undertaken by its suppliers.

Arguably, expectations are higher for the financial sector than for some other sectors, given the immediacy of finance and the connection to financial stability. The financial sector is also highly interconnected and complex, and with many interconnections cross borders, creating a challenging environment for supply chain risk management.

This webinar provides an overview of resilience and supply chain issues facing European financial institutions and offers insights into the strategic aspects that senior executives will be considering.
  • Resilience and supply chain risk are critical issues for European financial institutions and their regulators.
  • Regulators particularly focus on operational resilience, outsourcing, and concentration risk.
  • Regulatory requirements and supervisory expectations are evolving to become more stringent, a trend that will continue over time.
  • Senior executive ownership of the issue, governance, and organization are crucial.
  • Executives should consider a strategic approach to their supply chain risk management and resilience and develop better visibility of indirect suppliers
Michael Percival
Expert in European and Global Financial Regulation
Michael Percival is a leading expert in European and Global financial regulation. Most recently he was EMEA Head of Regulatory Affairs for JPMorgan, based in London. He was responsible for JPMorgan’s engagement in material regulatory policy developments, including coverage across key prudential, resolution, markets, and tech/operational issues, with a primary focus on EU-wide and UK developments. He was also heavily engaged in all issues relating to Brexit.

Michael holds degrees in Law and Management (Economics) from the University of Waikato in New Zealand, and an MBA from the UCD Smurfit Business School in Ireland.
Geraint John
VP Interos Resilience Labs
Geraint leads the Interos Resilience Lab team, generating data-driven insights, research and analysis on supply chain disruptions, topical issues and best practices for supply chain risk management. Geraint was previously a Vice President of Supply Chain Research and Advisory at Gartner, where he worked with senior executives at leading commercial and government organizations through written research, case studies, webinars, inquiry calls, strategy sessions, roundtables and event presentations. His specific areas of focus were sourcing and procurement, supplier relationship management and collaboration, supply chain risk and resilience, and digital transformation. Geraint holds a BA degree in Economics and Politics from the University of Warwick and a postgraduate diploma in periodical journalism from City University, London. He is married with two teenage sons and lives in London, UK.
Scott Birch
Chief Content Officer at BizClik Media Group
Creative media professional with 25 years of diverse international experience in Europe, the Middle East and Asia. I have edited daily, weekly, monthly and annual print titles, ranging from daily newspapers to glossy celebrity magazines, niche B2B magazines and luxury lifestyle publications. An early adopter of digital – creating web content since 1996 – I have also created digital app magazines, smartphone apps and overseen online strategy and social strategy. I have also worked in television, both behind and in front of the camera, and in public relations roles providing creative content and reputation management.
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