Mr. Pellegrini has over 40 years experience in the solid waste and recycling industry. Louie is owner/manager of Alameda County Industries, Garden City Sanitation, Livermore Sanitation, Milpitas Sanitation, and Mission Trail Waste Systems. In addition to providing collection services, these companies provide post-collection services including transfer, recyclable and organic material recovery processing. Louie is an expert in collection and processing system design and implementation, data flow and capture, and landfill diversion strategies. Louie is an active member of the California Refuse and Recycling Council (CRRC) and holds multiple patents.
Livermore Sanitation: Reducing Contamination in Commercial Organics Collections Livermore Sanitation, Inc. (LSI) is the hauler associated with the pilot project. Franchised solid waste haulers are increasingly relied upon to design, implement, and monitor diversion programs, which include the capture and reporting of valuable data to guarantee program quality and effectiveness. Customer outreach, education, technical assistance, and training are required to initiate programs and motivate customers to maintain/increase program participation over the program or contract term. Consistent outreach is also necessary to address employee turnover in food-generating business types.
LSI reviews images generated through Compology's cameras for potential contamination daily. When contaminants are identified, the customer is contacted since feedback helps increase awareness of contaminants and improves the quality of the collected material.
LSI performs site visits so that feedback and technical assistance can be provided directly to the customer. LSI also warns customers that fines can be levied for repeat or unacceptably high levels of contamination. A work order is sometimes generated to instruct the organics driver not empty the bin when contaminants are still visible at the time of service. In less challenging instances of contamination, LSI contacts customers by phone or email to remind customers of program parameters and inquire as to what additional support they may need for compliance.
Compology technology combined with follow-up contact and training with customers has resulted in a decrease in overall tons but cleaner tons in the organics system so far.