The coronavirus has changed the way we live and work, "unleashing a storm of stress in our brains,” according to The Wall Street Journal. This stress puts our body and brain on high alert, intensifying negative emotions, causing leaders restless nights and unproductive days. All humans have a built-in negativity bias, which undermines a more rational approach to challenges thrust upon us. Those challenges go beyond the threat of any virus to include upsetting our normal life by altering our daily habits and changing our work environment. "Stress makes people less of who they are,” says Peter Sokol-Hessner, a cognitive neuroscientist at the University of Denver. “It causes you to fall back on simpler methods of approaching your world. You have a decreased ability to use your previous experiences and knowledge to make smart choices in new settings.” This session is a booster shot of Resilience to help combat stresses caused by current challenges and situations, in order to effectively establish and manage key stakeholder relationships, influence behavior, and achieve business outcomes in our “next normal.” How important is this training for leaders and their organizations? Consider: The opposite of depression isn’t happiness—it’s Resilience.
Tuesday, January 14, 2025 · 10:15 p.m.
Mountain Time (US & Canada)
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