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Hands-on demo / Tips and Tricks to create a PAW Dashboard

About This Webinar

Planning Analytics Workspace (PAW) is a powerful and interactive tool that should be used to create custom interfaces with your data, not only by the development team but by the end-users as well.

In this session I aim to show how PAW can be used to create a custom Dashboard. I will show how a few "Out of the box" ideas can be used to improve and customize the look and feel.

Who can view: People who attended or registered for the webinar only
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Passionate about the TM1 engine and guiding other users of the Planning Analytics software towards their own light bulb moments.
Hosted By
Cubewise 2022 webinar platform hosts Hands-on demo / Tips and Tricks to create a PAW Dashboard
Bryan Wan's webinars
Attended (42)