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Module One: Connection and Rapport Building for Neurodiverse Kids

About This Webinar

In this module, you will learn about the best way to connect with ASD kids, the neurobiology and the science of engaging, and an introduction to Compassion-Focused Acceptance Commitment Therapy.

Who can view: People who registered for the webinar only
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Louise Sanguine
Hi Jodie, I'm using ACT with Adults with trauma/anxiety/self harming behaviours, and we've noticed an over representation of clients with comorbid ASD diagnoses. Is this training transferable to adults, and if not, could you signpost me to training for this client group with an ACT focus..?
Cheers Trev
Jodie Wassner
Hi Louise/Trev?,
Apologies for only seeing this question now. Although designed for children and teens, I'm confident that a good clinician could easily adapt these to adults.
Kind regards,
Dr Katie Danielle Swift
Hi Jodie,

I have just completed the webinar series and found it very helpful and informative thank you. I wondered if there is a certificate of completion? Also - i saw in your bio it mentions you have written a manual for ACT and anxiety - would it be possible to have a copy of this? If so could it be emailed to my NHS email that i registered with? I work as a clinical psychologist with children and young people with ASD in the UK and we are looking into ACT group work in the future (hopefully once the COVID-19 pandemic has settled down and we can work face to face again) or as online options. Any collaboration/thoughts would be welcomed.Regards, Katie
Jodie Wassner
To download the PDF of Module One, click on the handouts button (next to the volume button) on the bottom bar of the video!