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Quantum Computing: Untangling the Confusion

Wednesday, September 2, 2020 · 7:30 p.m. · Central Time (US & Canada)
About This Webinar

Quantum computers are devices that use quantum phenomena (superposition, entanglement, and interference) to solve certain classes of problems more efficiently than traditional computers. Eventually, with progress in hardware development, quantum computers will solve problems that classical computers cannot. Quantum computing has wide-ranging applications in business, industry, and science. As such, it is an exciting time to get involved, given so many opportunities for growth and new contributions. This talk will explain all of this in simple language that non-scientists can understand, as well as how you can start using actual quantum computers to solve problems today.

  • 7:30pm - Introduction
  • 7:40pm - Presentation/Lecture
  • 8:10pm - Q&A
Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter Zachary Tollett
Professor of Physics and Mathematics at Dallas Baptist University
Dr. John McCuin, Professor of Physics and Mathematics at DBU, has taught at DBU since 2003. He received a B.S in physics and math from Oklahoma Baptist University, an M.S. in physics of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and a Ph.D. in physics from Texas Tech University. His academic interests include climate change, science education research, and quantum computing. Dr. McCuin is a certified instructor in Quantum Computing for IBM Skills Academy.
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