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MC 2021 Symposium on Hybrid-Pixel Detectors: What Counts and Why

About This Webinar

Well established in X-ray detection, hybrid-pixel technology carries a lot of promise for electron microscopy. Combining the state-of-the-art pixel and ASIC design, hybrid-pixel direct detectors count individuals electrons at high speed offering a high dynamic range, zero readout noise, the utmost signal-to-noise ratio, with the added advantages of radiation hardness and an elevated frame rate. Join our talk at MC Vienna 2021 to learn more about this technology, its applications, and how it can improve data collection on TEM/STEM.
Electron Microscopy Made Easy with Hybrid-Pixel Detectors: What Are the Challenges and How to Overcome Them? by Dr. Luca Piazza, Product Manager Electron Microscopy
The Physics behind Hybrid-Pixel Electron Detection by Dr. Michael Rissi - Head of Research & Physics

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Product Manager Electron Microscopy at DECTRIS
Webinar hosting presenter
Head of Product Management / Head of Research & Physics
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