A discussion regarding the Evidence-Based Policymaking Act of 2018 (the Evidence Act). Residing in PA&E, this function:
1) positions a new system of evaluation as a foundation for coordinated, strategic, and transparent evidence planning, building, and use;
2) expands access and facilitates the use of Federal data assets for evidence-building and public use; and
3) expands secure access to and use of Federal statistical agency/activities data.

The discussion addresses how the Department may consider innovative approaches to evaluate strategic programs, performance plans, budgetary allocations, and strategic initiatives in light of this Act. Furthermore, as stated in the Act, "Agencies should demonstrate the use of evidence throughout their FY2022 budget submissions in particular illustrating how evidence will support agency assessments of performance goals and implementation strategies in the Annual Performance Plan and final congressional budget justification…” PA&E will discuss a vision and framework for implementing the Evidence Act.
Michael Stough
Director, Program Analysis & Evaluation, OCFO
Rebecca Kruse, Ph.D.
Assistant Director for Evaluation, Program Analysis & Evaluation Division, OCFO
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