On average, Google makes 9 changes a day to its algorithm. That equates to over 3,285 algorithmic updates per year! How can your site ever keep up with that? Well, don't worry because in this webinar we will cover Evergreen Tactics that can withstand the test of time with Google and keep you in positions 1-3 for years to come.

The webinar is brought to you in collaboration with Neil Patel Digital - partner in our brand new Search Marketing course. Develop the skills you need to work in search right now!
  • SEO Basics
  • Tips to get started
Will Francis
Marketing Educator and Author
Will Francis is a recognised authority in digital marketing who’s worked with some of the world’s most loved brands.
As well as being the host of the DMI podcast, Ahead of the Game, Will shares his experience and expertise in the media, at conferences and in the courses he runs for the top marketing institutions globally.
Head to his website for tips, help and advice on becoming a better marketer.
Matthew Santos
VP of Products & Strategy at Neil Patel Accel
Matthew Santos is the Vice President of Products & Strategy at Neil Patel Accel. He initially built the four major product offerings they provide to customers, and continues to oversee three of those: SEO, CRO, and Email Marketing. He has been in the industry for almost 10 years, primarily focused on Earned Media digital tactics.
Caroline Hollick-Ward
DMI Membership Manager
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