Photographs and videos sourced from the social web are now regularly used to report and illustrate news stories but few media organizations have guidelines and procedures in place to help their journalists navigate the ethical and legal challenges attached to featuring this type of content.
The risk of running unverified hoaxes or misinformation, falling foul of copyright law and compromising standards of source protection are just some of the considerations that must be balanced against the rush to stay one step ahead and in the age of eyewitness media there is much more competitive pressure to be right than there is to be first.
To coincide with the launch of a comprehensive research study titled ‘A Global Study of Eyewitness Media in Online Newspaper Sites’, this webinar will expose some of the more questionable practices by major newsrooms around the world and introduce participants to practical techniques and best practice workflows that every journalist should employ in order to handle eyewitness media efficiently, responsibly and with confidence.
The digital publication of this research is supported by the University of Florida College of Journalism and Communication, The Hugh Cunningham Professorship in Journalism Excellence and the Knight Foundation.
- Presentation will be available to participants
Who should take this training:
The webinar is suitable to anyone trying to verify eyewitness news content on social media. Participants should already be relatively conversant with social media platforms.