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Decoding the Digital Physician: Separating Fact From Fiction

About This Webinar

Physician-level digital data shows us the moments rich with intent, and can reveal insightful trends and unique behaviors. But healthcare marketers are still relying heavily on aggregate and non-personalized data sets to inform their multi-channel – and often multi-million dollar – marketing strategies.

It's time to decode the digital physician.

Showcasing analysis from a years’ worth of digital physician-level data, this webinar will give you insight into:

• What content physicians are reading about most – from certain categories to specific medical topics and drug mentions

• How often physicians visit certain types of websites,and the most effective traffic drivers.

• The differences in how certain specialties seek out and interact with content online, including the most frequently visited websites and online resources

• What a physician’s online behavior reveals about their willingness to engage with brands and organizations, and how this physician-level data can be used to optimize existing and new marketing strategies

• How to take physician-level behaviors even further with tailored, preference-based journeys delivered through marketing automation

Join DMD’s identity data experts Edith Hodkinson, Chief of Digital Strategy, and David Kriegshauser, Senior Director, for a deep dive into physician-level data from over 1,000 websites and 2 million page views.

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Webinar ID: 4a189ac4444c
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Chief of Digital Strategy
Edith Hodkinson serves as DMD’s Chief of Digital Strategy. Edith has worked with pharma marketing clients, both professional and consumer, for more than 20 years to bring innovative, measurable programs to market. Prior to joining DMD, Edith served as President of AccentHealth, the company that created the market for DTC at the point of care. Edith is responsible for DMD’s flagship online behavior monitoring platform AIM, Audience Identity Manager and for building HCP engagement tools that deliver brand results.
Webinar hosting presenter
Senior Director, Customer Engagement Platforms, Data Science and Analytics
Hosted By
DMD, an IQVIA business webinar platform hosts Decoding the Digital Physician: Separating Fact From Fiction
DMD, an IQVIA Business, offers the only authenticated database available that can reach, report, and respond to the dynamic digital behavior of fully opted-in physicians and NP/PA prescribers. Through this database, pharmaceutical marketers, hospitals and health systems, medical societies, publishers, medical marketing agencies, and others have digital access to more than 90% of physicians with email addresses and real-time web activity data that unlocks precision targeting and engagement capabilities across the most influential healthcare audiences.
Attended (116)