No part of a dissertation or thesis seems to take as long as the review of literature - how does one get started? What is critical to know before getting started? How to search for relevant, credible literature without wasting a lot of time? How far back to go? How to find more? When is it enough? How to avoid going off on tangents? Additional time saving writing tips, web links, and an APA cheat sheet are provided, too.

Dr. Stephanie Galindo has coached students who needed strategic tips for creating a solid foundation in the literature. She recently edited a dissertation for a student who had waited nearly to the end to ground the methodology in the literature and needed advice. That student told us "She is fierce! But it was SO helpful." Are you just beginning to write and need guidelines? Are you stuck? If so, this webinar is for you. (This webinar is grounded in qualitative social research methods.)
  • Research Design, Thesis or Proposal Design
pd.education by doctoralnet ltd
Director of DoctoralNet.com
pd.education is a suite of academic and professional development synchronous and asynchronous services, including webinars, self-assessments, written content, etc. The ten topics we cover are Academic Writing, Argumentation, Criticality, Getting Published, Grad Prep, Job Prep, Research Design, Thesis or Proposal Design, Tools and Hacks, and Wellness. For more information on how to obtain access to the full suite of services write siobhan@pd.education
Stephanie Galindo
Dr. Galindo contributes insights gathered during years of work in online higher education. She enjoys the process of investigation and analysis with an entrepreneurial and creative spirit, sharing tactics that support individual resilience. In addition to her degrees, she holds an Advanced Certificate in Educational Management from the University of Leicester. All her graduate-level coursework was completed in distance learning formats. Dr. Galindo has facilitated online research courses at George Washington University and supported a number of students on their dissertations (coaching, editing). She presently works as a dissertation committee member.

In the past, Dr. Galindo assisted with research projects on behalf of Clorox, Nestle, SC Johnson, Phillips, the International Committee of the Red Cross, and World Wildlife Foundation, among others. She managed product development projects for clients such as Motorola, Nestle, and Harley-Davidson, and has prior experience in OEM manufacturing, industrial construction, publishing, hospitality, and health care.

Relevant publications include:

Galindo, S. (2018). Improving the Resilience of Online and At-Risk Doctoral Students: Transition Management and Occupational Socialization Structures. Ann Arbor, MI: ProQuest, LLC. (Search #10757180)

LaRue, B. and Galindo, S. (2010). Synthesizing Higher Education and Corporate Learning Strategies, in Rudestam, K. and Schoenholtz-Read, J., Handbook of Online Learning (2nd ed.), Thousand Oaks: SAGE
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