Municipalities around the United States are modernizing stormwater infrastructure to better serve communities as existing systems age and weather events increase in both intensity and frequency. Stormwater utility fees (SUFs) are often used to fund these infrastructure improvements. Whether evaluating an existing SUF structure or implementing one for the first time, municipalities are increasingly turning to infrastructure assessments and utility rate studies using high-precision mapping data to ensure that SUFs are equitably distributed across a community.

In this webinar, stormwater professionals from the City of Billings, FCS Group, DOWL, and Ecopia AI will provide an overview of how Billings is transforming stormwater management infrastructure to be more resilient in a dynamically changing landscape. We’ll also discuss how the City is making SUFs more equitable by basing rates off of the level of impervious surface on each property. The speakers will walk through their process for identifying data gaps, deferred maintenance, capital improvements, and operational needs, providing real-world experience and insight for any municipality looking to evaluate their current stormwater management program and implement improvements.
  • Modernizing our Stormwater Program: Need, Key Challenges, Development Process (Tyler Westrope)
  • Evaluating the Current Stormwater Program & Preparing for the Future - Review, Assessment, Data Gaps, Service Levels (Gregory Gabel)
  • Funding Fairness and Sustainability: Revamping Billings' Stormwater Rate Structure (Tage Aaker)
  • Optimizing Municipal Stormwater Programs with AI-Powered Geospatial Data (Justin Proctor)
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    Tyler Westrope
    Engineer, City of Billings, MT
    Tyler Westrope has been an engineer with the City of Billings for the past 19 years. At the City of Billings, Tyler’s work is focused on general project management with an emphasis on stormwater specific projects, stormwater infrastructure master planning, project approvals and stormwater policy development. Tyler enjoys working with the stormwater community to further his knowledge as he continues to improve planning and policy to ensure responsible development occurs within the City of Billings.
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    Greg Gable, PE, CFM
    Senior Water Resource Engineer, DOWL
    Greg Gabel has over two decades of experience in planning and designing stormwater infrastructure across Montana from DOWL's Billings office. His expertise spans various areas including stormwater master planning studies, stormwater modeling, storm drain design, low impact development, regional retention and detention facilities, and mechanical and wetland treatment design. Greg served as the lead design engineer for the Shiloh Conservation Area in Billings, Montana, overseeing the transformation of a 66-acre site into a conservation area that integrates water quality treatment, stormwater detention, and recreational amenities. He has also been instrumental in the West Billings Stormwater Development Plan, collaborating closely with the City of Billings to identify effective stormwater management solutions.
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    Tage Aaker
    Senior Project Manager, FCS
    Tage Aaker is an FCS senior project manager with 14 years of consulting experience in utility rate studies, rate modeling, utility valuations, government fee development, cost recovery programs, and economic analysis for clients in Washington, Oregon, Montana, Alaska, California and Canada.

    Tage specializes in developing sophisticated yet practical Excel-based rate modeling tools to calculate full cost-of-service, determine cost-benefit of alternatives and improve user experience through dashboards and calculators.

    His experience includes working with water, sewer and stormwater utility clients to develop level of service scenarios that involved CIP analysis and alternative funding strategies. He has also performed in-depth analysis of rate structures, developed alternatives to help mitigate overall charge increases, and analyzed financial stability ratios to gauge utilities’ financial health.
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    Justin Proctor
    Associate, Public Sector
    Justin Proctor is an Associate in the Public Sector team at Ecopia AI - an international supplier of high definition mapping products that enable high-fidelity global-scale insights. Ecopia AI uses intelligent systems that leverage ground-breaking advancements in artificial intelligence to convert high-resolution imagery of our earth into HD maps. Ecopia’s maps are currently embedded into critical decision-making applications including climate resilience, transportation engineering, insurance risk assessment, and public safety around the world. Justin studied political science and government at Western University and has been with Ecopia since March 2022.