Foundation SJT Essentials - Foundation Programme 2023 Entry
Wednesday, 28/09/2022 · 8:00 p.m.
The Foundation SJT plays an important part of your overall rank and chances of getting your chosen Foundation programme area. Our Foundation SJT Essentials webinar for final year medical students will cover what to expect and how to prepare for the new format SJT assessment, with sample questions for the 3 main types of SJT being used this year - ratings, selection / multiple choice, and ranking SJTs. It will also cover how your scores will be used and why it is important to get the best score possible.
This webinar will be taught by Dr Mahibur Rahman, the medical director of Emedica - he has written and taught extensively on medical situational judgement tests for over 16 years.
Foundation SJT - Overview + key changes for FPAS 2023
Dr Mahibur Rahman graduated from the University of Wales College of Medicine and is currently a Portfolio GP in Birmingham. He is one of the authors for the Prescribing Safety Assessment, a former GMC examiner and invigilator, and an examiner for...