The crisis is affecting and will affect university finances differently depending on the income structure, according to the latest EUA report. Negative economic fallout will put pressure on public finances and the need for greater efficiencies may push public authorities to seek alternative forms of restructuring. Where do policymakers see potential for transformation and efficiency in the sector? What are possible ways in which the ‘funding mix’ may evolve? Is there a greater role for competitive funding? How can funder organisations work together to generate synergies? The panellists will share their perspectives on the future collaboration with the university sector.
The opportunity to discuss these hot issues in a European setting appears timely and necessary. The session will stimulate a dialogue between representatives of public authorities and other partner organisations with the university sector around the topics of funding and governance.

Get more information: https://eua.eu/events/113-2020-eua-funding-forum.html
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Hosted By European University Association

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