Black and White Conversions are not exactly as "black and white" as you'd think. All Black and White Conversion Methods will yield different results. Some are better than others, some are easier than others, and some can get quite convoluted. But at the end of the day, nothing compares to Photoshop for incredible Black and White images.

I know what you are thinking! What about ______ program, whose sole purpose is to create BW images?

Any BW conversion program is more than likely using underlying techniques that can be done in Photoshop. So why bother using Photoshop, then? Because you know EXACTLY what is happening to the tones and colors without some program doing it for you.

In this live event, I am going to discuss Black and White Processing in Photoshop at great length.

There will be a limited 72-hour replay for non-Elite Members. Elite Members will have access to the event indefinitely in the Elite Member Archive and will also get some extremely handy BW Conversion Actions.
  • Brief BW Conversion Discussion
  • How Different Conversions look on the same image
  • Processing the same image with multiple BW Conversions
  • Open Forum Q&A
  • 1649943963-1d50800b973b7560
    Blake Rudis
    Creator of f.64 Academy and f.64 Elite
    Blake Rudis is a classically trained artist who started as a painter, transitioned into printmaking and sculpture, and finally decided to double down on his love for photography. He incorporates his knowledge of aesthetics and color theory in his photography courses and is known for his acclaimed Photoshop® workflow.

    Blake is a self-published author and is an independent photo educator. His past partnerships include Creative Live, Topaz Labs, Plotagraph Pro, and ON1.