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Roots & Branches: Exploring Our Spiritual Family Tree

Tuesday, May 6, 2014 · 7:00 p.m. · Central Time (US & Canada)
About This Webinar

Open discussion about where the roots of Christianity lie & what, if any implications that has for biblical faith today.

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Donation
Webinar ID: 474759a8e461
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter Marji Hughes
Shalom! My name is Marji Hughes and if you learn only one thing about me, let it be that I am a child of the Most High God - a Follower of Yeshua (Which is Jesus' Hebrew Name), the Messiah of Israel - Savior of the World - my Lord and my God. If you'd like to learn a little more, I'd be happy to oblige.
Here, in no particular order of importance, is an eclectic collection of information about me.

I am, along with my husband (affectionately known as "Rabbi" Randy), the co-founder & director of Foundations Ministries. As an educator, public speaker and author, I've taught on the Hebraic foundation of the Christian Faith for over 20 years, traveling extensively overseas and throughout the US; in pursuit of my studies and to share what God has allowed me to learn with others. My formal educational background is primarily in nursing – with a focus on geriatrics and in both philosophy and theology – with a focus on Jewish Studies. My secondary studies are as diverse as my other interests. That's a nice way of saying I suffer from an academic version of the "Oh, Shiny! Syndrome."
When I find myself with leisure time - I enjoy life. Sometimes that's in the form of outdoor activities - hiking and canoeing especially. Other times, I like to get involved in some sort of “crafty” project with a tendency to go off on the occasional tangent (I have a closet full of half-finished projects to illustrate this point). I'm also a prolific reader and writer. I like impromptu gatherings and cooking for large groups - as long as someone else does the dishes. I love singing and I’m an amateur (very amateur!) songwriter. I really enjoy a good conversation and - perhaps a bit too much sometimes - a decent debate. Then of course, there's just kicking back and doing absolutely nothing. For about five minutes anyway.
I was born and raised in Chicago, but Randy & I now live in the Springfield, MO area with our dog, Barnabas, our cat, Simcha and several nameless goldfish. I am wife, mother, student, teacher, daughter, sister, friend to some, enemy to few and an enigma to most; including myself at times.
My favorite food is the kind you eat. Seriously - I'm not picky - unless you expect me to eat cooked vegetables or raw fish. I have to draw the line somewhere. I don't really "do" T.V. My favorite color is this very particular shade of blue, somewhere between cobalt and electric. My favorite hymn is "Be Thou My Vision." My favorite thing to do is, seriously engaging in deep doctrinal discussions. My least favorite thing to do is dishes, followed closely by listening to people try to defend an indefensible position.

I also firmly believe that while experience may the best teacher; if you're willing to learn "secondhand," the tuition is gonna cost you a lot less.
Hosted By
Foundations Ministries webinar platform hosts Roots & Branches: Exploring Our Spiritual Family Tree
A fellowship & teaching ministry focused on helping Believers gain deeper understanding of Scripture & their faith by looking at the historical roots of Christianity.
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