Show 'n Tell - What I learned building my own OSS project
In this Show ’n Tell, Joeri Vrijaldenhoven will share his experience of building his very own Open Source project. What does it take to build your own Open Source Software project with Golang and a Javascript frontend? Well, not nearly as much as what Joeri has done in his project. Because Joeri over-engineered the project to the max!
During this talk Joeri goes into detail about what it takes to over-engineer and build Open Source Software. What kind of architecture did he use, and why was K8s a must? He will give an overview, an explanation of the app he built, and of course, he will dive into the code with you.
Writing software can also become a learning experience when you over-engineer something like this. Join us on April 20th to hear what Joeri learned and how he designed his Software Architecture!
Wednesday, April 20, 2022 · 4:00 p.m.
Amsterdam (GMT +2:00)
16:00 - 16:05 : Welcome, Introduction and house rules by Fabian
16:05 - 16:35 : Open Source Project Overview by Joeri
16:35 - 17:05 : Code Deep Dive by Joeri
17.05 - 17:30 : Panel discussion & Q&A with Joeri and Fabian
Fabian Met
Webinar Host @ Fullstaq
Joeri Vrijaldenhoven
DevOps Engineer @ Fullstaq
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