Explore emerging developments in compounding that will help you handle the needs of processors, brand owners and OEMs pushing for greener materials, either in the form of bioresins or by incorporating post-consumer reclaim in their blend. Learn how to fine-tune your entire line — from upstream handling and feeding to screw design to pelletizing and beyond — that will help you meet the demand for these next-generation formulations.
  • Carbon footprint calculation
  • PCR management/use
  • Bio-resins management/use
  • Quick change (product)
  • 1726073067-23f21f8a9a28e0b5
    Applications Development Manager, Farrel Corporation
    Dr. Peng Ye has over 25 years of experience in the plastics industry. He has a Ph.D. in chemical engineering with a focus on polymer material and an MBA in marketing and international business. He joined Farrel Corporation in 2014. Dr. Ye is the applications development manager and supports the sales and marketing of compounding equipment by developing new markets and alignment with research and development. Before joining Farrel, he worked for PerkinElmer, an analytical instrument manufacturer. Dr. Ye is originally from Shanghai, China. Before coming to the U.S., he worked for international polymer companies including: Polyplastics, Bayer and Dow Corning in Shanghai.
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