Register and learn more about emerging trends and technology in film extrusion. Tune in to hear speakers advise on how to improve your blown or cast film operation with new technologies, tips and tricks of the trade that will help you squeeze more productivity and efficiency from your film-extrusion operation while bolstering your sustainability initiatives.
  • Process control
  • Multi-layer structure
  • Gauge management
  • PCR management/use
  • Bio-resins management/use
  • PFAS
  • 1726251708-bb0cddca96aca2a5
    Technology Group Director
    Christine Ronaghan is a seasoned expert in polymer engineering with over 25 years of experience in the extrusion industry. She holds both a bachelor's and master's degree in polymer engineering from Stevens Institute of Technology and an MBA in innovation and technology from Rutgers University.

    Since 2013, Christine has been the technology group director at Cloeren Incorporated. In this role, she focuses on feedblock and die design, as well as process optimization for various product areas.
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