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In this technical presentation, we explore innovative ways to integrate filtration equipment and chemistry to enhance cleaning performance, extend bath life and minimize waste. Our focus includes the use of membrane filtration systems – which can recover up to 98% of cleaning solutions – dramatically reducing the volume of concentrated waste requiring disposal.

Additionally, we delve into strategies for maximizing cleaner longevity by precisely adjusting oil concentrations, leveraging the direct relationship between cleaner concentration and effective oil content management. By adopting these methods, businesses can achieve significant cost savings through reduced chemical consumption, lower waste disposal expenses and decreased energy usage – all while promoting environmental sustainability.

Presented by:

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  • Membrane Filtration Systems: Learn how these systems protect industrial assets and recover a substantial percentage of cleaning solutions.
  • Cost-Saving Strategies: Discover opportunities for savings through extended cleaner longevity and reduced chemical waste
  • Technical Cleanliness Challenges: Understand the various challenges in achieving and maintaining technical cleanliness across processes.
  • Establish a more sustainable and cost-efficient cleaning program that delivers superior results, reduces downtime and minimizes environmental impact
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