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Ransomware is a race against time. The faster you can detect and respond to an attack, the lower the impact on your organization.

Trellix’s XDR Engine accelerates detection and response across your enterprise by giving you visibility and control from end-to-end of the attack kill chain. With the Trellix XDR Engine you understand how a threat actor is attempting to penetrate your environment and how they are moving laterally across on-premises and cloud infrastructure. Sensor telemetry data provides visibility into attacks from beginning to end. Not only does the Trellix XDR Engine detect and help you proactively prevent threats, but it also guides analysts and responders through investigation and responses for scenarios like ransomware.

Join us for a Ransomware Detection and Response Solution Webinar dedicated to XDR. In it, we'll dive into Trellix's XDR Engine and show how it:

  • Integrates with one of the broadest sets of native controls in the industry and over 1000 third-party data sources to create contextual ransomware detection, protection, and response.

  • Uses advanced machine learning (ML) and AI-guided investigations to uncover sophisticated threats and speed your MTTD, MTTI, and MTTR.

  • Leverages intelligence from over 40,000 customers and an elite security research team for faster, more accurate threat detection.
Cloud CTO, for AI, Senior Director Emerging Technology - Trellix
As CTO for Cloud and AI at Trellix, Martin Holste is responsible for shaping cloud and AI security offerings, developing the corporate cloud and AI security strategy, and passionately working with customers to help secure their cloud workloads. Prior to serving as CTO for Cloud, Martin led teams working on machine learning and founded the cloud-native Helix XDR Platform at Trellix.