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Oct 16: Standards Based Grading

About This Webinar

Shawn Cornally (@ThinkThankThunk and http://101studiostreet.com/wordpress/) shares about Standards Based Grading in mathematics: "It turns out that the way we grade students is about an order of magnitude more important than anyone previously thought. When you start to tinker with grading, it moves all of the other dials wildly, pedagogy, practice, interest, and class time all have to be rethought. Rethinking all of that is super mega fun, so come to Global Math Dept on Oct 16, and let's come up with some lessons that aren't boring."

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Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Webinar ID: dfe630150f1e
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter Megan Hayes-Golding
I'm @mgolding on Twitter and I blog at http://www.kalamitykat.com. Oh, and I also *love* superheroes.
Hosted By
Global Math Department webinar platform hosts Oct 16: Standards Based Grading
The Global Math Department began as a group of teachers who knew each other through Twitter, math education blogs and Twitter Math Camp. Since 2012 The Global Math Department community has grown into a multi-faceted group of math educators who love to share their ideas related to teaching and learning mathematics. We recognize that as educators we are charged with promoting equity and access within mathematics instruction. In addition, we believe it is crucial that teachers be provided with quality resources and ideas that they can use immediately with their students. Lively and friendly conversations in our weekly webinars encourage all participants to share and continue to grow as educators.
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