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About This Webinar

Say hello to the most valuable player in your HVACR business -- the Job Link® System. When Job Link is your right-hand man you receive multiple measurements from multiple locations in real-time, and you can reduce call backs by getting everything right the first time. Evaluate and diagnose a system in record time, and provide customers with detailed PDF reports to be more professional, efficient, and profitable.

Language: English
Who can attend? Everyone
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Business Development Manager
Thomas J. Finnegan Co - 1 Year (Business Development Manager)
Alfa Laval / Standard Refrigeration - 7 Years (5 years Engineering Manager - 2 years Sales Manager)
Webinar hosting presenter
My name is Seth Robinson. I am in my third year with the Thomas J Finnegan Company. My territory includes Ohio and West Virginia, and I have covered that territory for those three years.
Hosted By
Gustave A Larson  webinar platform hosts Meet Job Link - your right-hand man.
Gustave A Larson Virtual Conference