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Om Dette Webinaret
In many companies "Active Directory" has been used for more than a decade and the security of its infrastructure has been left unchecked.
Has it gone too far? Is it time to just put it down and start from scratch before your company gets ransomwared?
In this talk, Camille Victor presents a mix of Red and Blue tools and actions that can help you fix the thickest security legacies in your AD forests. Camille will use his experience cleaning some very large AD forests and present offensive tools such as BloodHound and PingCastle that helped achieve the security goals.
Come learn from those achievements but also mistakes in this talk that should interest both red and blue teamers!
Camille Victor Prunier
Camille Victor Prunier has worked 4 years at Orkla IT where he was leading two teams within the security department: the internal SOC and the red team. The focus during the first two years was to clean up the security issues caused by the large Active Directory and the legacies it accumulated over the years.
Since September 2023, Camille Victor has worked at XLENT Cyber Security AS as a COO and penetration tester. He is passionate about web pentesting and bug bounty hunting, enjoys golfing during the short Norwegian summers, and spends way too much time playing Path of Exile!